Through Their Eyes: An Experience in Ireland

Most of our Intern Abroad Stinters (program participants) come to Ireland for up to 90 days. While that may seem like a short period of time (like…Christmas was almost 6 months ago!), 2-3 months is a lifetime when it comes to an abroad experience.


It’s unbelievable all the things our Stinters do in that short period of time: taking part in a full-time internship, traveling Ireland and Europe, exploring Dublin, and hanging out with their fellow Stinters.

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Stint Faves: Jeffrey’s Romp Through Dublin (Northside)

Dublin is vibrant, full-of-history, beautiful, blah, blah, and all that jazz. You’ve heard all of that before. But what’s an ideal day in Dublin like?

Well, it’s different for everyone so we decided to have a bit of fun and ask everyone at Stint HQ about their ideal day in Dublin.

Last time we asked Melanie, the boss, about her ideal day. Today we’ll feature Jeffrey’s perfect day in Dublin

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Massive cliffs of Inis Mor

Off the Beaten Track: Inis Mor and the Worm Hole

If I happened upon a fork in the road, I wouldn’t take the road less traveled, nor would I pocket the fork. Who cares about roads? I’d walk straight into the forest and do some trailblazing!

That’s how I found myself in the presence of the Wormhole. Having hiked through boulders and a few cliffs, it was an especially rewarding moment when the Wormhole came into view, peaking out from an alcove in the cliff face. The natural phenomenon is a pool, rectangular in shape, directly cut from the limestone, into which water ebbs and flows.

I must have sat there, just staring at this wondrously cyclical scene, for ages. First, the ocean waves are too weak to overcome the limestone walls, then they slowly gather strength until finally the water spills over the edge and trickles into the limestone walls. The waves immediately following those are even more powerful, crashing directly into the pool. The Wormhole fills up, overflows, and starts to drain. The process starts over again. It is mesmerizing. It is peaceful. The repetition is like the beating of a heart. Nature’s heart.

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A Spontaneous Trip to Malahide

I was strolling around the city centre last Saturday, enjoying the city sights, when I passed by the Tara St DART station. After continuing down the block for about five seconds, I stopped and did a little moonwalk back to the station entrance. Yep, you know where this is heading – out of the city!

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